Serving God. Serving the Church. Serving You.
Pastor Brad, first and foremost, is a passionate follower of Jesus who wants to see God’s kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven. This fits well in his roll helping people gather into God’s presence in worship. He also partners with the leadership team as chief servant for the church staff and administrative tasks. He is a graduate of Calvin Seminary and Dordt University, and has served as a youth pastor in churches in Southern California and Western Colorado. Prior to ministry he served in the U.S. Marine Corps as an Air Traffic Controller.
Brad and Kristin have 3 kids and enjoy kayaking, camping, deep snow, books and board games.
Pastor Sheldon (emeritus) has served as Calvary’s Minister of Congregational Life and Outreach since 1999. Yes, he knows that’s before many of you were born! He grew up in South Dakota, and graduated from Dordt University and Calvin Seminary. In 2022 he retired and now spends most of his time doing pastoral care, particularly among those who have a bit more life experience. He considers it a privilege to walk with our members through times of joy and loss, and enjoys finding ways to share God’s love with those in the Pella community.
Pastor Sheldon has two daughters, Regina, who teaches 6th grade at Joshua Christian Academy in Des Moines, and Ramona, who still lives at home because of her special needs. Ramona’s unbridled joy and enthusiasm is a special gift that she shares with our Calvary family. Pastor Sheldon enjoys fishing and traveling, especially to the mountains.
Pastor Nate has served as Minister of Youth and Education at Calvary Church since 2017. His wife Caitlin Klingenberg is a patent and immigration lawyer at a law firm in Des Moines. Nate is originally from Southern Ontario, Canada, but he has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI and Bradenton, FL. He graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary with a M.Div. in 2016. Before that, he received his BA from Calvin College in Religion.
In his spare time, Pastor Nate enjoys kayaking, riding his bike, playing guitar, watching movies, as well as playing the odd videogame here and there. More than anything, he enjoys spending time with his wife whether it be in ministry, adventure seeking, or lazy days on the couch.
Pastor Nate seeks to bring his passion, education, and experience to the youth based ministries as well as all educational programs for those who come to Calvary Church. He directly leads the Youth Group program, High School Sunday School class, and monthly ENCORE worship events. Pastor Nate is head of the Education Committee which oversees other programs such as our Gems, Cadets, Youth Group, and children’s and adult Sunday School classes.
Joy serves as the Office Administrator, helping to keep the flow of communication open and managing week to week logistics for the church. Studying Graphic Design at Dordt College and abroad, Joy met her husband overseas in Australia, lived in South Korea, and has tried her hand at many unique jobs. Growing up at Calvary, Joy has found herself called back to serve the church at different stages of her life, finally settling in Pella with her husband and family in 2015.
Through her personal experiences at Calvary, she sees a loving family made up of a patchwork of called individuals; the mom who’s concerned if you’re ok, the big brother making sure you tow the line, the cool older sister who you always want to hang out with, and the wise old grandpa that’s always there for advice or words of wisdom.
Cindy Gritters has been Calvary’s worship coordinator since 2008. She is married to David Gritters and has 3 children. At Calvary, Cindy has a desire to see people use their God given talents in the worship arts, whether it is as a musician, singer, or tech support.
An integral part of keeping our church property maintained is the faithful work of the custodians. The Kelderman family has been the custodians at Calvary for over 30 years. Currently three generations of this family serve in various roles to maintain our church properties in a manner that provides a neat, clean appearance and an inviting atmosphere for everyone.
Christy Van Zee
Christy has volunteered as Church Historian/Archivist since September of 1997. She keeps all church membership records up to date as well as keeping a record of all historical events at Calvary. She creates a historical record book about Calvary for each year which contains pictures of staff, the council, special events, special bulletin/newsletters and pictures of Calvary members. She is also in charge of keeping all items in the archive room filed properly. She is married to Jim. They are both active in Calvary Broadcast/Media Ministry.
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408 Maple St., Pella, IA, 50219