
Ministries for adults at Calvary Church

Connecting with God and others is a vital part of every person’s life. It makes us part of something greater than ourselves. At Calvary, we are focused on helping you find the group that you can do life with.

OASIS Women’s Ministry

For more information about Oasis women’s ministry, contact Cindy Van Weelden.


An oasis is a place of refuge, relief, and rest — a haven in the midst of a busy, hectic, and sometimes confusing world. Oasis invites the women of Calvary and the community to come and be refreshed…to drink deeply from the well of Living Water!

The goal of Oasis is to draw women into a deeper level of intimacy with God, as well as to encourage greater unity among the women of our church.

In-depth Bible studies are offered three times a year. These studies serve to deepen our love for the Lord, as well as to increase our knowledge of who He is and how He is working in our lives to bring about transformation. These in-depth Bible studies are offered each winter/spring, summer, and fall.  Sessions are offered on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

Young Adults Ministry

We believe that one of the most important ways we can connect to each other is by connecting to God’s Word.  Currently, we are reading through the book of Acts, discovering what life in the early Church was like and challenging each other to live like those first followers.

Spending quality time together is also a must! So we make sure that at least once a month we meet with each other just to get to know one another better! We share food, play games, and just enjoy each other’s company. How can you learn from one another if you don’t know one another?

Ultimately, we know that in a place like Pella, it can be hard for young adults to find a church home for themselves. We do all that we can to create a group that’s fun, supportive, and challenging for those young adults exploring Calvary for the first time. We know how important it is to connect, and we’d love to connect with you!


Missions Circle

The Calvary Mission Circle is a women’s Bible study that meets twice a month from September thru April. Pastor Sheldon leads us in our Bible study for an hour after which we socialize with coffee and cookies.

We then have a business meeting taking care of any matters that need our attention. Our name indicates that we work for missions and we do. Our main project is supporting our mission in Cary, MS with a focus on their Parent/Child program which supports and guides new moms and their newborns. We support missions by collecting annual membership dues and serving at funerals, anniversaries and other events in our church for which we are reimbursed. At the end of the season, we distribute our money to various other mission projects.

As a group, we enjoy good attendance and participation and we invite and welcome any women of any age to join our society. It is a great blessing.


Coffee Break

Coffeebreak is another long-running ministry of Calvary, a small group Bible study for women.  There are two sessions each week, one on Monday evening and one on Tuesday morning.  Monday night Coffeebreak begins with a home-cooked meal prepared by members of the congregation.   While the women enjoy a quiet meal, volunteers provide a meal for their children up to 5th grade.  This is followed by a time of discussing God’s word for both women and children.  Tuesday morning Coffeebreak is true to its name: coffee, tea, and refreshments are provided for the women, as well as a snack for the children.  Then the women break into small groups for discussion, while the children attend Little Lambs, a fun time of learning the truths of God’s word.  A nursery is also provided for both sessions of Coffeebreak.

Bible Study Groups

Many members of Calvary are involved in small group Bible studies.  There are many variables, like where and when the groups meet, and the curriculum that is used.  The goal, however, is always the same: to grow into better disciples of Jesus by studying God’s Word, and then obeying God’s Word.

Thursday Night Alive

Held on the first Thursday evening of the month, Thursday Night Alive welcomes everyone to participate.  Usually there is a time of discussion, followed by refreshments, but there are also special events, like soup suppers or Christmas celebrations.  Thursday Night Alive is also responsible for the care and maintenance of the Calvary Wayside Chapel, just east of Pella.